Friday, May 29, 2015

Do It For God...

"...Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

 In our lives, we are going to want to see other's approval. We are going to want them to tell us that we did a good job or that they are proud of what we are doing. But, I am sorry to tell you that, in life, we are not always going to get that approval that you are looking for, but we do have another type of approval, that maybe, we didn't know was there before...
 You see, many of the things that we do, we do for other people. We do it for them to be kind, we do it so they can see what kind of person we are, so they will like us, or maybe it is just to get their approval. If this is you today my friend, if you are not seeming to get that approval that you are searching for than, I am sorry to tell you, but you are doing this all wrong.
 You see, some people of this world are going to approve of us, and they are going to appreciate us, but not all of them, in fact, as sad as it is, most of them probably won't, but you see, we will only run into discouragement and feeling like we have failed when we search for the approval of people around us. But, do you know what you need to do? You need to not seek the approval of this world, but seek the approval of God instead, because He is always going to give it to you. He is going to be applauding you, telling you that you did a wonderful job, and you know what else? You don't have to do things so you can be "liked" by others. Don't do things so that you will be approved of, but rather, do all that you do for the glory of God. Do it for Him, and yes, still do kind things to others and treat them with respect, but be kind to them, not wanting to be approved, not wanting to be liked, but so that you can glorify God, so that you know, that whatever it is that you do, He is going to be proud, appreciate you, and applaud you from Heaven.

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