Thursday, May 28, 2015

What Is Hope?

"Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier." Thomas A. Monson

 What is hope? What is your definition of it? Do you feel like hope is just wishing for something that's far away? Do you feel as though hope is just the absence of doubt? Well, let me tell you today, that whatever your idea of hope is, you really have no idea as to how powerful it could be.
 You see, we have our faith, and that can help get us through the toughest of situations, but when doubt starts to creep in, when the words being spoken to you are "you can't do it," "there is no way," and "don't even try," this my friend, is not going to go away with just our faith, but rather, we need to dig deeper into it, really search, and find the hope that is buried within all of us.
 You see, when words like these are spoken to you, when whatever it is that you are facing seems absolutely impossible to get over, or simply, when things aren't going the way that you would have liked, it is in times like these when it would be so easy to doubt, so easy to just give up and walk away, not having to deal with the problem any further, but you see, this is when we need our hope! And hope requires effort, so if you are wanting to rid yourself of those negative words, if you are wanting to climb that wall that seems so impossible, you are going to have to put in that effort. You are going to have to dig deep into that faith of yours and find the hope that is there. The hope that will shine a light to darkness of negativity and doubt, the hope that you can do this, the hope that you will get through this, and with this, you, my friend, along with the power of God at your side, will be unstoppable.

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