Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Isaiah 46:4: God Is With Us On This Journey

"I have made you. I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." Isaiah 46:4

 Maybe today you are having a hard time understanding where God is on this path that you are on. Maybe you are wondering where He is when you are feeling worthless, where He is when you are feeling weak, where He is when you have nothing, or where He is when you are stuck in a dark place. Well, Isaiah 46:4 goes over these points perfectly,
-"I have made you."  
 You see, here God is telling you that, along your journey, if you get discouraged in who you are as a person, feel like you are not as great as others, feeling like you could be better but you just can't reach that point, He wants you to remember that He made you, and God doesn't make anything that is useless, He does not make anything that is ugly, but all of His creations are full of purpose and beauty. Begin to see yourself like God sees you.
-"I will carry you."
 Notice the word "will" in this sentence. Notice that God is telling you, when you grow weak, as you will, when you grow tired and feel like you can go on no longer, He will come down and carry you until you feel strong again. You see, when we feel weak, when we feel like we can't go any further on our journey, we feel like we have disappointed God, but that is wrong my friend, because He has told us that during these though and weak times that we will have, that He will carry us.
-"I will sustain you."
 God here, is promising you that He is going to keep you going. When you feel like giving up, He is going to give you the strength that you need. When you feel like you don't have enough, He is going to give you enough. He is going to make sure that you are sustained. Sustained with strength, money, health, whatever it may be, and even though we may not think we have enough when we look at what's it front of us, we have to know that we have the One who is enough.
-"I will rescue you."
 You see, during our journey, we are going to get stuck in some ditches, stuck in some dark places that there is no way we can get out of ourselves. When the world around you seems to be crashing down, remember this point, remember that God will come down to you side and rescue you from the darkness. He will lift you out of the situation you are in and bring you back into the light. Don't lose hope or get discouraged though, just remember, that during the situation, He promised that He is going to come rescue you.
 If you would remember these points, I can guarantee you that your life is going to change. You will begin to see God in so many more ways than you did before, and you will be able to go on your journey, knowing that He is, and always will be, there with you.

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