Thursday, May 21, 2015

Someone Out There Needs You

"God didn't add another day in your life because you needed it, He added it because someone out there needs you." Unknown

 Did you know that others out in the world today, your family, friends, and even complete strangers that you have never met in your life, these people are needing something today, they are feeling empty, alone, and have a void that needs to be filled. So, what is it that these people need? What is it that can fill that void that they have? Well, the thing that they need is you.
 Now what exactly do I mean by that? Why would these people, especially the ones that we have never even met, need you? It is all because that is what God has planned. As the quote says above,  "God didn't add another day in your life because you needed it, He added it because someone out there needs you." Yes, you have this day to make your life better and advance in your journey, but you do not need it, whereas someone out in the world today needs you. They need you to introduce yourself, they need you to say hello, they need a smile, and true, we may not know who this person is, we don't know their name or what they look like, but what we do know is that God has put someone out there that does need us. So as you go out today, keep this in mind. Smile at a complete stranger, say hello to someone new, lend a helping hand, because chances are, that one of these people, or maybe even more, were impacted by you, you made a difference in their life and you helped fill a void that they had.
 So today, go out and show God that you are rejoicing in His work. Take up this assignment that He has given you today and go out and make a difference. Shine the light of God onto others who maybe, don't know it, and even though you may not know who you made a difference on, or how it will effect them, just know that you did what God has called you to do, and He is seeing the difference that you made in that person's life, and that, my friend, will make God smile.

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