Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Do His Will, Don't Be Afraid, And Get To Know Him

"I do not get to know God, then do His will; I get to know Him more deeply by doing His will." Philip Yancey

 God is calling you to do great things! Things that you cannot even imagine yourself accomplishing, but the thing is, is that so many people are afraid finding what God has called them do. They are worried it will hurt, that it will be uncomfortable, or that they won't like it very much, and you know, it might, but this is how we get to know God.
 You see, when we hear, or rather feel, what God is calling us to, we often feel hesitant, but why is that? Why are we scared of the future that the One True King, the maker of heaven and earth, the one who has written out the entire story of our lives has laid out for us? Well, it is because we are scared of the unknown, we are scared of what we can't control and when we can't see what the result is going to be, we back away. But you see, I am not going to lie, there are going to be points in doing His will when it is going to hurt, there are going to be points when it is going to be uncomfortable, but when we are doing God's will, we need to be willing to put up with whatever it is that He puts in our path, because this is His plan, and not ours. He already has everything laid out for us, He just needs us to walk it.
 God is going to get you to a miraculous point of doing His will, no matter if you have to endure a few difficulties or not. Think about it this way, with each hurtful situation, with each uncomfortable moment, know that you are that much closer to the destiny that He is leading you to as you are doing His will, not only that, but you, my friend, are getting to know God. As the quote says above, you can't say that you are going to do His will once you get to really know God, because actually doing His will is how we get to know God.

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