Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Even Though We Fall Short Of His Glory...

"I fall oceans short of your glory yet you stoop down to make me great." Unknown

 I think that this is truly one of the most beautiful quotes and it is so true too. We all fall short, whether it be by a little or a lot, of God's glory, we condemn ourselves if we make a mistake, we tell ourselves that God is never going to want us, that we are just too broken. But let me tell you today, that no matter how many mistakes you've made, no matter how broken your past is, God is stooping down to you.
 Now isn't that a great picture? Standing in the midst of your problems, feeling broken and beaten, like God is never going to accept you with all that you have in your past and with all that you have going on now. But, in the midst of us falling short of the glories of God, He is going to come to us, and stoop down to our level. Do you know why parents stoop to the same level of their children? It is so the children with listen and understand what the parents are saying, and that is what God is doing to us! He is making sure that His children are listening to the words of their Father, He is making sure that we are understanding what He is saying when He tells us, "no matter what your past may be, no matter what you are going through now, and no matter how broken you are, I am going to make you great." Now, I am not saying that God is literally going to come and stoop down right in front of your eyes, but it is a presence you will feel, a presence like you've never felt before, one of God really just telling you to stop, listen, and understand what He is saying. 
 So today, I pray that you would feel that presence and that it would find you where you need it most. That you would would take a moment, stop, listen, and understand what your Father is telling you.

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