Sunday, August 16, 2015

Nothing Is Impossible; Keep Going And Pray Boldly

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible.'" Audrey Hepburn

 Maybe today, you are praying prayers, chasing dreams, and working towards a goal, and honestly, it seems like you've been doing just that forever. You want whatever it is in front of you, your prayers, your dreams, or your goals, to come to pass, but you don't know if it's even a possibility any more, maybe you are thinking to yourself. "I mean, look how long it's been, and nothing has happened yet. Why would it come to pass for me anytime soon?" But let me tell you this, that nothing, let me repeat that, nothing, is impossible with God on your side.
 I think that, so many of us have dreams and prayers and goals so big, that we just tuck them away inside, doubting that, if we ever did decide to bring them up, that they would even be possible. But let me ask you this; What would be impossible to the one who created the earth and everything on it out of nothing? Your biggest dream? Your biggest goal? Your biggest prayer? Don't be afraid to ask God for the big things! He doesn't just want to have to take care of only the little things in your life, He wants you to ask Him for bold things! Why? Because He wants to prove to you, He wants to show you and He wants you to believe that He can do these things that you think to be impossible. You just have to ask.
 So whether it be that you are getting tired of walking along the path of your goals, dreams, and prayers because nothing is happening, keep going, even though it seems impossible right now, even though it seems like you have been working towards this forever, you have God on your side, and nothing is impossible for Him, and for those of you who are afraid to pray, wish, or set goals boldly, don't be! God wants you to ask Him for big things! More than that, He wants to bring them to pass for you!

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