Friday, August 14, 2015

You Can't Handle It

"God doesn't give us what we can handle, He helps us handle what we have been given." Anonymous

 You have probably all heard the saying, "God's not going to give you what you can't handle." Well, I'm sorry to say, but that's wrong. In fact, the opposite is true. God is going to give you what you can't handle. You're probably wondering where on earth I am going with this. Well, you see, we, ourselves aren't able to handle the situations that we face, but with the help of God, with His guidance and direction, we can, in fact, handle it.
 Maybe today you are finding yourself in the part of this situation where you can't handle it. You don't know why God would put you here if you couldn't, and maybe you're wondering why He isn't picking you up and bringing you out of it. Not only is your strength dwindling, but your faith is as well. But you see, when it comes to these situations, we can't let the obstacles steal our faith! They may steal our strength, but we can never let them even touch our faith. But, you see, what I really want you to see here, is that we need to know that we can't handle this, we need to know that it is just too much for us, but when God is by our side, even if we are questioning where He is, He is there, and He is at your side helping you handle what it is in front of you. And as far as the question goes when you are asking why God would put you here; Most likely, it is because He is wanting to grow your faith. He is wanting to show you that you can trust in Him. Think about it this way, when a child is just a baby, they can't walk, they can't talk, and they know they can't, so they rely on their parents to give them what they need and guide them. That baby is us, and God is our heavenly father guiding us. We need to have that type of trust, like that baby has in its parents, that even though we can't handle this ourselves, God is going to help us do so.

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