Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Live Inspired

"I want to inspire, and be inspired." Sam Mendes

 What does the word, "inspire," mean to you? To encourage others? To motivate them to do something they really want to do? Well you see, those are pretty accurate statements and all, but I think that so many times, in the midst of inspiring others, we forget that we need to be inspired as well.
 So, by inspiring others, we go out and encourage them. If they are having a tough time we help them through it. If they are having a great moment, we rejoice with them, and we try as much as we can to inspire them, not only with our love, but with God's. We try to help them find the purpose that God has placed within them and inspire them to look for it and follow it. But now, what about us? How is it that we make sure that we get inspired as well?
 Well you see, in our lives and in our walk with God, there are always going to be things that He places within your heart that inspire you, that excite you, that you feel God has called you to. However, day after day we are constantly bombarded with things, news, work, chores, schedules, conversations, and much more, and they all pile up on top of that inspiration we once had burning so strong within us, and it kind of puts out the flame. But it doesn't have to be that way! How? Well, let me tell you...
 See, we can't avoid the things we come across and hear in our daily lives. We pretty much have to absorb all of it, but what you need to do is not forget about your inspiration. That thing God called you to that lit the fire inside of you. Now whether it be writing in on a piece of paper and sticking it where you can always see it or keeping and object out somewhere to remind you what it is, keep being inspired, every moment of each and every day! And every time you feel like that fire is getting put out, look at that note, look at that object that reminds you of what it is you need to be excited about, and watch that fire light up again. Go out, and start living an inspired life.

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